In order to qualify for certain homeownership tax breaks, a taxpayer must own a “qualified home.” As defined by the IRS Publication 936, a “qualified home” is any piece of property that has...

If you are experiencing a hardship, please contact your account representative at (877) 426-8362.
In order to qualify for certain homeownership tax breaks, a taxpayer must own a “qualified home.” As defined by the IRS Publication 936, a “qualified home” is any piece of property that has...
Many people dream of owning a home one day. As an aspiring home buyer, you’re probably watching the housing market very closely. If so, you know already that the shortage of affordable homes is...
According to recent Census data, the median single-family square floor area declined by 73 square feet from the first to the second quarter of this year. Shrinking household size is influenced by the...
Manufactured homes can be financed with either chattel or mortgage loans. Also referred to as personal property loans, chattel loans make possible the purchase of manufactured homes that will be...
Transitioning from renting to buying a home is a major financial decision. As many people are looking for affordable housing options that don’t focus solely on apartment living, could manufactured...
Many affordable-lending opponents claim that the entire manufactured housing industry is in a free fall, discouraging investments in this sector. At the risk of starting out a contradictory debate,...